On-course Games and Contests to Increase Profits
A great way to increase your profits without raising your
entry fees are on-course games and contests. These range
from games of skill to games of chance with large or small
prizes. Listed below are a few tried and true ideas. Be fun
and creative, participants just can't resist trying them!
Sell Mulligans
Pure profit and everyone wins! Who couldn't use an extra shot
during the day? Sell participants mulligans at $5 each up to
2 total. Set some ground rules for their use like: only one
mulligan can be used per hole, and can only be used on tee
shots. Sell them immediately when players check in at the registration desk.
Closest to the Pin
The concept is simple, closest to the pin wins. For $5 each person may
enter. The winner receives a prize that could be donated or perhaps
could win 1/2 the money pot collected for that particular hole. The
prizes are up to you. Remember, you want to make money!
Hit the Green
On a par 3, collect $5 for an entry fee. If the participant's ball comes to
rest on the green they win a prize. The prize is usually donated or an
item costing up to $15 (a quality sleeve of balls). If the hole is
150 yards or more, usually 1 of 4 players might be successful.
It's harder than they think! Another variation is to enter each
successful participant into a drawing at the end of the day for
a larger prize or 1/2 the money pot collected.
Hit the Fairway
This contest is based on Hit the Green. On a par 4 or 5, collect $5
for an entry fee. Run some streamers or small flags across the fairway
around the 240-250 yard area. If the participant's ball comes to rest on
the fairway BEYOND the flags, they win a prize. Not many people can hit
it long and straight with their partners jeering them on. Use the same
prize structure as Hit the Green.
Driving Range Target Practice
Prior to the event, set up two targets on the driving range about 150
yards out (metal trash cans work great). Collect $5 from each
participant for three shots to hit the target. If they hit it they
win a prize. Set up two hitting bays side-by-side and have a
spotter present to watch their shots.