Why A Website?
A website is your most valuable information
resource. Communicating with group of people, small or large,
takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and money. Organizing and
running a club, league or event can become much easier with a solid
communications plan. A website will become your greatest asset. Any
information needed is current and available, 24/7. Simply put, how
can you do without a website?
Does this happen to you?
Rain is predicted. How many phone calls do you take concerning event cancellations? Post an instant NewsFlash Alert on your homepage.
Do people call at all hours and ask for tee times, directions or event details? Eliminate calls. Post everything on your website.
Do you send out costly and time consuming mailings to update information and schedule? Your virtual clubhouse is open 24/7.
Streamline your operations
Any communications problems you may have can be easily solved by using a website you can update instantly. It's an service your members will find invaluable as well as increasing a sense of involvement and community.
Administrative Benefits
A well publicized and utilized website will dramatically
increase your on and off course organization.
Instantly updated information
Eliminate excessive phone calls
Reduce print and postage costs
Run tournaments including sign-ups, tee times and leaderboards
Create a member/participant database
Member/Participant Benefits
Members and participants will find your
site the most complete and updated information resource. An
informed player feels included, informed and well-serviced.
Complete, updated information
Member directory
Interactive bulletin boards
Online sign-ups & results
Privacy in member areas