Why a League Website?
A website is your league's most valuable information resource. Communicating with group of people,
small or large, takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and effort. Organizing and running
a league can become much easier with a solid communications plan. Any information needed is
current and available, 24/7. Simply put, how can you do without a website?
Featured Sites
Communicate the easy way: online
Any communications problems you may have can be easily solved by using a website you can update
instantly. It's an service your members will find invaluable as well as increasing a sense of
involvement and building community. A powerful tool for you, a valuable resource for your
InformationFairway Advantage
Designed to help you organize your league on and off the course.
Sharing information quickly and easily. Foster a club community by engaging your members.
Create an effective online strategy. A powerful tool for you, a valuable resource for your members.
Instant Updating, No Webmasters Needed
No URLs or Hosting Packages Needed
No Development or Maintenance Fees
Easily Linked to an Existing Website
Advertisement Free Pages
Resource Center - Golf Specific Services/Vendors
Affordable Online Solution
Allows Multiple Administrators to edit site
Create an entire website in 2 minutes
Administrative Benefits
A well-utilized website will dramatically increase your on and off course
Easy to Update and Edit all pages
Upload all League Manager Reports
Post Pairings, Tee Times and Results
Club Emailer: Email all members instantly
Load and Update Member Database files
Significantly Reduce Phone Calls
Assign Multiple Administrators to edit site
Member Benefits
Members will find your site an invaluable service. An informed player
feels included, valued and well-serviced.
Centralized Information Resource
View Tee Times, Pairings, and Schedule
Results for Individual/Team/Season Long events
Password Protected Member Areas
Home Page News Flash for Alerts (weather)
Member Bulletin Board (Discussions, Classifieds)
Trophy Room and Club Handbook
Does this happen to you?
Rain is predicted. How many phone calls do you take concerning cancellations?
Post an instant NewsFlash Alert on your home page. No calls to you or the course.
Members calling at all hours and asking for tee times or coordinating subs?
Eliminate calls. Post everything on your website. Members will now go online first instead
of reaching for the phone.
Do you send out costly and time consuming mailings to update information and schedules?
Your virtual clubhouse is open 24/7. It is the cornerstone of your paperless club.
A member who was webmastering your site, just quit or relocated. Now what?.
No problem. Our websites are user-friendly and simple to use. Lose your dependence upon
any one webmaster.
Are you looking for a better way to organize your members?
Inform players before they show up at the course. Provide information and avoid problems.
You get constantly bombarded with event inquiries and registrations?
Allow players to register online and streamline your registration processes.
You need to email everyone quickly for this afternoon's matches.
Our Club Emailer allows you to email specific sets of members (men, women, individual events)
quickly and easily.