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Club Websites
Organize and run your club online with a golf website. Designed by golfers, for golfers, your website will become an information resource for your members. Sites feature integrated pages including schedules, leaderboards, registrations, bulletin boards and directories. Provide a valuable service to your members while saving time, effort, and money.
Featured Sites
Blue Tee Package Sample
Standard club website package. 13 pages. Includes Membership and Tournament databases, News Flash feature, Club Emailer and allows Multiple Administrators
Cost: $500 per year Features
Gold Tee Package Sample
Deluxe club website package. 16 pages. Contains Blue Tee pages and functionality includes Photo Gallery, Joining Form, Customized Masthead, unlimited Free-Format html Pages, and Page Map Editor.
Cost: $650 per year Features
Domain Name Registration
If you would like to create your own web address for your club website, we can register and redirect a domain name for your new site. If you would like to use your current URL, there is no additional fee.
Cost: $100 registration Features
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